Budget Customers
Get control over your heating bills and sign up for one of our budget plans. When you are on a budget plan, we estimate your annual fuel usage, multiply it by an anticipated price per gallon, then break it up into even monthly payments. Couple your budget plan with automatic delivery, and gain peace of mind knowing your monthly bill will remain constant and your tank will never be empty.
Price Programs
Budget customers must choose which price program is best for them. We have something for everyone – Ceiling Price Program, Pre-pay Price Program, Market Price Program, and a Fixed-Price Program.
Ceiling Price Program: Customers benefit from even monthly payments plus the insurance that comes with a price program that guarantees your price will not exceed the pre-determined maximum (“ceiling price”) per gallon rate. Should the market price drop below the ceiling price quoted, program customers will also benefit from the lower price. There are times when the market price will be below the ceiling price in order to cover the underlying administrative and hedging costs. This program effectively provides insurance against price spikes.
Pre-Pay Price Program: The customer pays up front for the full year. A pre-pay customer will get all the benefits of a Ceiling Price Program customer with a somewhat lower ceiling price (similar to a cash discount). Like the Ceiling Price program, this program provides insurance against price spikes with discounts.
Market Price Budget Customer: Customers who want to have the convenience of even monthly payments, but who don’t want the price protection, can still choose to be on a budget plan. Market Price Budget Customers get the market price at the time of delivery. WARNING: In a rising price environment, Market Price Budget Customers do NOT benefit from a “Ceiling Price” per gallon or “Price-Cap” and may end up paying more per gallon for fuel at the time of delivery than our Price Program customers.
Fixed Price Budget Customer: for customers who want to know the price in advance, can commit to a specific number of gallons and can handle it if market prices go below the set fixed price. For this reason, we discourage fixed-price contracts with residential heating customers as the Ceiling Price Program offers better protection. Some Farmers or Commercial accounts might find a fixed price program to their liking.
Looking for something else?
You don’t have to fit into a box. We can work with you to create a customized payment plan. Maybe you want to put money up to get the pre-pay discount applied to some of your deliveries? Maybe you only want price protection on a certain number of gallons? In addition, Budget Plans can incorporate other charges from your account, such as Service Plans and New Equipment. Call us if you have questions or need some modifications to your payment plan – we are here to help.